Barista World presents Joseph Rivera

“Intro to the Science & Chemistry of Coffee”    

Berlin: 23rd and 24th of April 2013   


Als Trainer dieses einzigartigen Seminars freuen wir uns Ihnen den international anerkannten Kaffeeexperten Joseph Rivera ankündigen zu können. Als Protagonist im Bereich Kaffeequalität, Technologie und Chemie bildet Joseph Rivera weltweit Röster, Cupper, QS Personal, Kaffee Importeure und Barista aus und elogorntet dafür von allen Seiten größte Anerkennung.  

Bereits vor 1, 1/2  Jahren hatten wir während des Nordic Barista Cups vereinbart diesen Spezialisten für ein Seminar nach Deutschland zu holen, um auch den deutschen Kaffeebegeisterten und Kaffeeexperten seine Expertise,  Denkweise und Erkenntnisse zuteilwerden zu lassen.  Nach längeren Planungen ist es mir gelungen diesen Experten nach Deutschland zu holen.

Die Teilnehmer erwartet ein aufschlussreicher und wissenschaftlich fundierter Vortrag, der auch Kennern und Könnern der Kaffeeindustrie neue Perspektiven, Ideen und Erfahrungen in den Bereichen der Sensorik, Aromabildung, des Röstens etc. eröffnet. Weitere Details zur Veranstaltung finden Sie anbei. Die Teilnehmerzahl dieser exklusiven Veranstaltung ist auf 20 Personen begrenzt.

Ich würde mich freuen, Sie als Teilnehmer/in für das Seminar gewinnen zu können und freue mich in Berlin persönlich begrüßen zu können.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Nana Holthaus-Vehse


Barista World presents

“Intro to the Science & Chemistry of Coffee”

Berlin: 23rd and 24th of April 2013   

Description of Seminar:

This seminar is intended for anyone interested in gaining a greater technical understanding of coffee science from „bean to cup“. These sessions are intended to build on basic scientific principles in understanding numerous technical issues pertaining to coffee science. A detailed discussion on taste, chemistry of coffee, roasting and brewing chemistry will be presented during the course of the two days. The seminar format will be approximately 70% lecture / 30% hands-on and will be of a technical nature consisting of both theory and practice sessions.

The Trainer:

JPortraitoseph Rivera is a seasoned coffee scientist who held positions in leading coffee organizations such as the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) or the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) with the position Director of Science and Technology. His work has allowed him to play a key role in the development of numerous international certification programs including the Q-Program, Roasters Guild, Barista Guild, WBC as well as various other SCAA Certification Programs. As a scientist, trainer as well as publisher Joseph is a industry’s leading technical expert on issues connected to coffee science, chemistry and technology. In 2004 he launched – a scientific information portal dedicated to the advancement of coffee science. Since its launch it has rapidly become the largest technical information portal on specialty coffee since with thousands of registered users.


Sponsored by Barista World

Seminar: 23rd and 24th of April 2013   

Ort: Sander-Tec GmbH Eresburgstr. 24-29, 12103 BERLIN


Early Booking before 14th of March 2013: 380,-€ (incl. VAT: 452,20 €)

Normal Price as of the 15th of March 2013: 450,- € (incl. VAT: 535.50€)


Particpants: max 20

Seminar Structure (brief):

  • Module 1: The Chemistry of Taste
  • Module 2: The Chemistry of Coffee Aroma
  • Module 3: The Chemistry of Coffee
  • Module 4: Coffee Roasting Chemistry

Recommended Audience:

The seminar is tailored specifically for coffee professionals: producers, cuppers, importers/exporters, roasters, retailers, baristas and consumers. Even if you’re a seasoned professional in the coffee industry, we are confident that this seminar will vastly increase your knowledge in the technical issues of coffee.

Seminar includes:

  • 2 day Seminar (10:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m.) with Joseph Rivera (
  • Handout & Certificate for all participants
  • Lunch breaks with snacks and none-alcoholic beverages for all participants
  • Networking opportunity for all participants with the trainer & Barista World

The detailed seminar structure:

Module 1: The Chemistry of Taste

This module will discuss the overall mechanics of taste chemistry, flavor perception and physical interactions in assessing coffee quality from a scientific perspective.

Module 2: The Chemistry of Coffee Aroma

This session will discuss the science of olfaction, factors contributing to aroma formation during cultivation, importance in coffee quality and briefly discuss the development of important aromatic molecules during post harvest processing.

Modul 3: The Chemistry of Coffee

This module will discuss the overall chemical composition of coffee from bean to cup and its relation to coffee quality. A detailed discussion on the chemistry of acidity, its formation and overall sensorial effect will be discussed in detail. This module is intended for anyone interested in gaining a greater technical understanding of coffee from bean to cup.

Module 4: Coffee Roasting Chemistry

This module will discuss the overview chemistry of coffee roasting, roasting technology, physical/chemical changes as well important chemical reactions occurring during the entire roasting process.